Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Gifts with Benefits

Client: Their mom is a breast cancer survivor & also happens to celebrate her birthday in October. They would like something that in purchase gives back to breast cancer research; and remind their mama that they are grateful for her recovery every day not just her special one.

Gen: You tell me she loves to workout & stay in shape. She's frugal, recycles everything & tends not to treat herself to too many "extras". I think the gift should not only give back but also also be able to be used time & time again; with many capacities. The chosen treat is this gorgeous multipurpose tote. Filled with a pink yoga mat, an equally fab Italian aluminum water bottle & a gift certificate for a workout class of her choice. Good for her. Good for the Earth. Good for women everywhere.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It's in the Bag

Client: She would like a birthday present for a long time friend who is turning 40. She specifically would like to see some handbag options. Her gorgeous, fierce friend can only accessorize occasionally as most time is spent in her U.S. Army uniform. But when she does, she likes to take full advantage and mix it up.

Gen: She is serving in Germany you say? You tell me she appreciates being able to shop all over Europe and dip into different trends. Is coming home in November to pick up her new motorcycle... Hmmm...I feeling something sexy yet functional. I love this handmade, sweat shop free bag out of L.A. Can sit on a hip, across the back or over the shoulder. In red.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Twitter Treat!

This is our FIRST EVER experience Twitter Treat! So exciting! This follower is creative, a true city girl and always on the go. Gen wanted to help her bring it down a notch with a once in a lifetime chance to see Leonard Cohen at the amazing Fox Theatre.
