Monday, October 27, 2008

London Calling

Client: A group of women want to show their support to a dear friend who lost her sister very quickly to cancer. Their friend had recently moved to England to be closer to her family; and was already missing the girls from stateside and now there was this to get through. They wanted things to remind her of her other home, to show their love and perhaps make her smile during an impossible time.

Gen: Lovely distractions are what I need. Perhaps a lavendar pillow to induce sweet dreams, an adorable Japanese imported bento lunch box for her daughter, and something to look at that will remind her of her friends, life when it was a little less dark and mostly the possibilities of tomorrow.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Client: She is headed to NYC with the girls for a long weekend. Two of them she is meeting for the first time and one is a long time friend. She wants to bring a traveling treat for each of them. Budget $100.

Gen:  What would be something great to have on you at all times as you galavant through NYC? Got it! These are earth friendly, keep you hydrated and come in fantastic designs.  

Monday, October 20, 2008

Baby's Momma

Client: A new father realized his wife was not her usual creative, energetic self. Perhaps he thought it was because of their 8 week old, well what was a result of their 8 week old. No sleep, showers were a rarity, as was maintaining the "structure" in her life she loved. He wanted to surprise her and show her that the unexpectedness of it all could still be fun.

Gen: Tired momma. Check. Something shiny. Check. Distraction. Got it. These are one of a kind, made of glass but sturdy and sparkle in just the right way. And who doesn't love a cocktail ring?

Monday, October 13, 2008


Client: It is her sister's birthday. Her hipster, French & Spanish speaking, well-travelled librarian, beautiful voiced little sister's birthday. She is openly not easy to shop for. The budget is around $100.

Gen: Where are her favorite spots she has travelled to, I ask? I find out she is still prone to overnight trips on a whim. As well as an avid lover of all things old- from clothes to records. Perhaps, I know a gift that will remind of her of her travels and provide a vessel for her vintage valuables. An environmentally friendly bag made from discarded promotion materials of all things cultural across Spain.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Client: It is their mom's 60th birthday in a couple of weeks. She is described as selfless and fun and the driving force behind her kids' creativity.  The gift should represent that and the budget is set at $250.

Gen: An appreciated momma to shop for!  I want to find fabulousness that combines  classic with  fun and the unexpected. Something this birthday girl can wear that symbolizes her take on life and how much her kids love her.  Her very own necklace complete with lego and diamond.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Hippest Baby Ever

Client: Needs something for a friend who just had her first baby. She is quick to point out, she owns a line of boutiques, doesn't "do" typical and the budget is $50 but needs it to appear like it was double that.

Gen: I can appreciate the anti-Carter baby sentiment! Right there and then, I know the perfect something for this boutique owning, gorgeous new momma and her son. These baby blankets are handmade to order and fabulous. The fabric choices and the details are unsurpassed in my book. I pick 3 to choose from. Someone special will be snuggling very soon.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Something "Stinks"

Client Story: A new friend's sewage pipe burst under her house. Leading to a tearful call to her friend. She wants to send something to cheer her up; and has a budget of $30.

Gen's Story: I ask the necessary questions and I am off! The receiver is shy, sweet, a little bit nerdy (in a good way) and upset about the stink. Hmmmm. What to send? Certainly something distracting and worthy of a smile. I presented over the top chocolates that involve sweetness and African salt, paper lampshades who sit on your wine glass that make any room glow and lastly a tiny print of a smiling cartoony "nerdy" girl smiling under the umbrella she is holding. Well, the print won and it is off to its new home.

Til next time...